Michael Shine & Partners
Inheritance & Estates
Michael Shine & Partners specializes in advising clients in all matters regarding local and international wills. Amongst other things, the firm cooperates with international advisors in all matters regarding specific areas of jurisdiction and specializes in the preparation and wording of wills that are adapted to the unique needs of the client.
The firm handles the probating of Israeli wills and estate administration in Israel, with a particular focus and specialism for foreign residents. This includes preparing the appropriate applications and ancillary documents for succession orders and probate orders, the filing of objections to wills and representation before the Inheritance Registrar, the Guardian General, and the Courts. The firm closely appreciates the needs of foreign clients and guides them throughout the process of the application with the Inheritance Registrar, the administration of the estate assets, the process for the distribution of the estate, and the registration of rights with the relevant authorities.
The firm also provides expert opinions on foreign law in all matters regarding inheritance laws applicable in South Africa and England and Wales. We also provide expertise in the preparation and submission of Enduring Powers of Attorney according to clients’ specific needs.